Signature Blended Massage
Many Day Spas offer different types of massage, and usually have a different price point for each. Our Signature Blended Massage incorporates several modalities such as Swedish, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Trigger Points, Cupping, Hot Rocks Each massage is customized to your body’s specific needs. At no additional cost, we offer the option of Cana Lotion that targets specific problem areas with heat added to amplify deep healing. Your 60- or 90-minute massage begins when you are relaxed and, on the table, to ensure you receive the benefits of a full session.
60-Minute $115
90-Minute $140
Ayurveda Full Body Massage
We will us oils and techniques designed specifically for your Dosha.
You must know your Dosha or complete the Prakruti and Vikruti Quiz
prior to appointment.
60 minute $135
90 minute $150
Far Infrared Sauna
Treatments are known for their immediate and long-lasting health benefits. Medical professionals and alternative health practitioners, suggest treatments to help alleviate pain reduce stress, lose weight, release toxins, improve cardiovascular health, and treat a multitude of other health-related issues.
Ionic Detox Foot Bath
A natural method of assisting the body in eliminating harmful toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful foreign matter. Most people will feel relaxed, balanced, and focused. Electrical current passes through a set of plates in a module that is immersed in the water inside the bathtub. The foot bath water contains salt, so it has the mineral concentration of water from the ocean. While the client’s feet are in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the foot bath system. This re-energizes the body and the red blood cell. It eliminates toxins that are stored in fat, kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. The foot bath also triggers the body’s lymphatic system, which helps with the continuing detoxification for up to 24 to 48 hours after a session.
Additional Services
Reiki Energy Balancing Session $115.00
Ear Candle $65.00
Fire Cupping $95.00
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